Not all stones that glitter are gold – some of them are Green Aventurine. Due to its natural charm, it is often used as beads or cabochons for jewelry pieces. It is also associated with luck, prosperity, and healing. Aventurine can come in a range of colours (depending on the mineral inclusion present in the stone) but its most common colour is green.
There's more to Green Aventurine than the sparkle that meets the eye. Read on to know more about this popular stone.
The Physical Properties of Green Aventurine
Green Aventurine is a translucent (sometimes nearly opaque) variety of Quartz known for its visible flake-shaped inclusions and glistening appearance. These inclusions are tiny Fuschite particles (a green type of the mineral Mica) which give the stone its distinct pale to medium green hue.
The inclusions also produce Aventurine's shimmering effect (called aventurescence) as they reflect the light that enters the stone. This causes the stone to have a silvery blue or silvery green sheen about it. This eye-catching aventurescence is most remarkable when the stone is tumbled and polished.
Some Aventurines can have a high Fuchsite content. A great number of mineral particles concentrated in one area can create a cleavage in the specimen. Coarser Fuchsite grains can cause the stone to have a pitted appearance. Its greenness can fade with prolonged exposure to sunlight, so it's best to store the stone in a sealed container.
Green Aventurine has a Mohs hardness rating of 6.5 to 7 meaning it can be scratched easily by a knife blade. However, the presence of inclusions in the stone can reduce its hardness. The more mineral inclusions, the lower its hardness becomes.
The History of Green Aventurine
Aventurine's discovery traces back to the 1700s. Its name is a derivative of the Italian word avventura which means ˜by chance,' an allusion to its chance discovery. It is believed that by accident, a Venetial glass maker dropped metal filings into a vat containing melting glass. Once cooled, it resulted in a particularly lustrous glass that had sparkles all throughout. Later on, the natural stone was called ˜Aventurine' due to its semblance to the sparkly glass. Green Aventurine is commercially produced in India.
Many centuries ago, Tibetans used Aventurine to adorn statues. They put the stone in the eyes as a way of increasing the statue's visionary powers with every glimmer of light that goes through it. Sometime in the 19th century, Aventurine was known as the ˜Stone of the Amazons' as they were believed to be the jewels that Amazon warrior queens used.
The Lore of Green Aventurine
In ancient times, Aventurine was used in rituals to usher luck and abundance. In modern folklore, the practice of putting a Green Aventurine stone in the left pocket when buying a lottery ticket is believed to increase luck. Some would place three stones in a dish and position it in front of a garden gnome to invite luck into their homes.

In Native American cultures, Aventurine has been used in rituals involving the medicine wheel. The stone assists in showing the spirit guides the healing pathway to the heart. Every participant of the ritual holds the stone to their heart. Doing this reportedly elicits a feeling of love to wash over participants.
Aventurine is also known to have calming effects. It is believed to replace anxiety and depression with renewed hope. It is also considered as the best crystal for stimulating fertility, increasing the chance of pregnancy.
The Metaphysical Properties of Green Aventurine
Different Aventurine colours offer unique benefits.
Green Aventurine is a stone of empowerment. It grants courage, strength, and confidence to face uncertainties and claim new opportunities in life. The stone empowers its user to grow as a person. At some point, embarking in changes in life will be uncomfortable. And using Green Aventurine will help one to have a calm and positive disposition in the midst of transitions.
The stone is also known to ease anxiety, anger, irritability, and depression. Some people believe it has the ability to improve one's sense of humour. Others believe Green Aventurine opens doors to new adventures and even romance.
It is also used to unblock and activate the heart chakra to enhance one's emotional well-being.
King, H. (n.d.). Aventurine. Accessed on April 7, 2021, from
Aventurine. (n.d.). Accessed on April 7, 2021, from
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King, H. (n.d.). Fuchsite and Ruby in Fuchsite. Accessed on April 7, 2021, from
Medicine Ways: Traditional Healers and Healing, The Medicine Wheel and the Four Directions. (n.d.). Native Voices. Accessed on April 7, 2021, from