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Meimei Day Care: helping poor miner's kids

Teófilo Otoni, MG, Brazil

August 27, 2009 08:30 p.m. ( local time )

(August 27“ Thursday): Drive through the mountains towards Rio de Janeiro

In the morning I took the group to visit a charitable organization that runs a Day Care in the middle of two big slums. This is part of our mission to run a business and donate part of the revenue to charitable organization. We chose this one because few of the kids in there are “garimpeiros” children.

Our host Ricardo Maia and the “Colonel” showed us the building and all the kids activities and their plan for the future. The immediate plan is to build a “quadra coberta” which means, to build a small indoor multi-use play court, that the land allows to.

The teachers and the kids were very happy and grateful with our presence. The kids sang for us and after I handed the donation cheque to the Principal we were ready to hit the road again.

We drove through marvelous mountains going through the cities of Itambacuri, Governador Valadares, Caratinga and finally stopping to overnight in Muriaé, still in Minas Gerais.

Overnight at the Hotel Premium Plaza.

Kids playing

Getting to know the place

Kids on task

Kids happy with our visit

Kids singing

Handing over the donation

Happy girl

Passionate girl

Organization sign

Arriving at the Meimei Day Care