Found in the Navajo Desert in the USA, Moqui marbles are choco-coloured rocks consisting of a sandstone core and a hematite shell (an oxide form of iron). Most Moqui marbles are round but they can also come in various odd shapes like disks, buttons, and spiked balls.
The Physical Properties of Moqui Marble
Some rocks are clustered like soap bubbles, while many others grow as individual rocks. They can be as small as a toy marble (0.5 inches) to as big as a basketball (over 8 inches). Moqui marbles go by different names including Moqui balls, Boji stones, shaman stones, Indian marbles, Navajo cherries, and thunder balls.
These rocks come in 3 varieties: the male, female, and androgynous marbles. Male rocks have a rough texture and a ridged surface, whereas the smoother, more circular pieces are identified as the female Moquis. Androgynous marbles have an irregular texture to them but they're a tad smoother than the male Moqui rocks.
The History of Moqui Marble
The name moqui comes from the Hopi (a religious native tribe in northeastern Arizona) language which means the dead. In other translations it means dearly departed one. Acres of these rocks are scattered all over Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah.
There are many theories attempting to explain how Moqui marbles were formed. According to some geologists, these concretions are approximately 25 million old and had resulted from iron-rich groundwater filling the sandstone in Navajo. This contact created a chemical reaction that caused iron to cover each grain of sand and led to the growth of tiny spheres.
Eventually, these tiny spheres grew layer by layer, with some spheres combining with others until they formed one huge mass. In 2005, similar rock formations were discovered on Mars which geologists called blueberries. But while they look identical, Utah's marbles are made mostly of sandstone while specimens in Mars consist of iron oxide (rust).
To scientists, rust could be an indicator that water once flowed on the red planet, which is a possible sign of life.

The Lore of Moqui Marble
Ancient cultures attributed protective properties to Moqui marbles. They believed that the rocks can protect its user from calamities like floods, typhoons, and fire hazards. They are also thought to keep one away from friends and ill-intentioned people, as well as boost fertility.
Moqui marbles are seen as a communication tool for interacting with aliens and other extraterrestrial beings.
The Metaphysical Properties of Moqui Marble
Moqui marbles are often used in pairs in shamanic rituals. They balance the yin and yang energies or the masculine and feminine energies within a person. When out of balance, you may experience emotional distress such as being angry, irritable, moody, lonely, aggressive, or disconnected. Using male and female Moqui marbles can put your emotional state back into order.
Being linked to the root chakra, they are great tools for grounding. Hold them in both hands as you meditate to calm and ground yourself back to the earth.
Feel like you're lacking in particular traits linked to the male or female genders? You can work with any Moqui gender.
For instance, if you desire to be more assertive, authoritative, protective, and physically stronger (traits associated with masculinity), use the male Moqui rocks. If you feel like you need to be more nurturing, empathetic, emotional, and spiritual (traits attributed to femininity), use the female Moqui.
Note: There is no scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of mineral stones and crystals in treating ailments. All information published here is purely for educational purposes.
Scientists attribute the healing impact to the placebo effect that takes place when using stones and crystals. Holding stones and meditating with them is said to trigger the release of feel-good hormones (endorphins and dopamine) in the brain.
Moqui Marble Meanings and Uses. (n.d.). Satin Crystals. Accessed at
Oskin, B. (2014, September 2). Mars on Earth: How Utah’s Fantastical Moqui Marbles Formed. LIVESCIENCE. Accessed at
Moqui Marbles. (n.d.). Rocks and Minerals. Accessed at
Stokes, V. (2021, October 24). Root Chakra Healing: Techniques to Activate, Unblock, and Balance. Healthline. Accessed at