More Info
Goldstone is artificial glass which commonly imitates sunstone and aventurine. The cuprous oxide that fills the glass is reduced to metallic copper during annealing, which is what gives it the appearance of aventurescence.
Brazil, China, and the USA
Physical Properties
As a human-made material, this stone has some intriguing physical properties to observe. The flecks of copper in it give Goldstone its characteristic appearance. Goldstone is a glass supersaturated with iron, or in other cases chromium or copper oxide. Sometimes it’s a combination of the oxides.
After that, it’s melted and cooled. Controlled conditions determine how the excessive oxides are going to crystallize, and they often form plate-like spangles or crystals.
Metaphysical Properties
Thanks to containing copper, it can harmonize relationships and attract abundance and creativity. Goldstone can be a great assistance when it comes to attaining goals and fulfilling ambitions. That’s because it has the power of keeping emotions calm and stable, which helps build courage and confidence.
Brown Goldstone usually associates with the sacral chakra, which is the energy center of your intuitive insight and creativity. Its protective aura can be powerful medicine, anchoring you securely to the earth’s healing vibrations. However, the root chakra and the solar plexus chakra can also benefit from goldstone by protecting the body’s energy center.
The Goldstone crystals available here are cut and shaped for various uses. Choose the product that best suits your needs below!
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